Friday, October 19, 2007

Restless, Irritable & Discontent

I got off work & opted not to stop at the grocery store because it was rainy & cold & I was hungry -- altho I could see clear skies coming in from the west. Came home, ate a bit too much dinner, which made me feel like sitting still -- ooff! So I played on the 'Net & here. Now, it's almost 8:30 and I feel better, feel like being around people. Feel like going out.

Except -- now it's too late. A lot of people I know are at a meeting that started at 8pm. Too late to go there. Running over to my son's to hang out is out -- I have work tomorrow & I need to leave at 9pm on work nights. Too late for that.

I could -- call a friend. But I'm expecting a phone call from another friend sometime in the next half hour.

I could -- do my nails. They need some attention.

I could -- take this opportunity to do some self-care stuff, like lotioning my skin, (see nails above), I dunno, girl stuff.

I could -- do the dishes.

I could -- go to bed early.

Probably the best thing would be to go for a walk, but that's not a good idea in this neighborhood, at this time.

I feel restless; I'm irritable because nothing I CAN do fits my mood; I'm discontent because life doesn't go my way.

Maybe I should just pray.

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