Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Air Conditioning Conspiracy

I came to this conclusion back in the 1970s -- before the term "global warming" had been coined. As I passed office buildings in Chicago, on my way to work, the air conditioners sticking out of the walls blew hot air into already hot city summer streets. It occurred to me that this might be adding to the heat. If the way to cool indoor air was to blow hot air outside -- do you think that might make it hotter outside? And, looking up, knowing that new buildings had central air conditioning, with the blowers on the top of the buildings, blowing that heated air into the sky, I just knew that would cause some kind of climate change.

As we became more & more dependent on computers, going to desk-tops, rather than a central computing facility with stations in each department, temperature control offices became more & more important. Air conditioning became ubiquitous.

When the hole in the ozone layer became alarming, air conditioners were changed from cooling with CFCs to using HCFCs and other less damaging compounds. But nothing's been done about the huge amount of heat they spew into the surroundings. It's not even talked about.

Then we began hearing about global warming. It was because of cars, and heating our homes, and pleasurable things. Nobody spoke of air conditioners, or keeping computers cool. That's not even talked about.

I say air conditioners are the reason for global warming! And, I think, that because the computers want to stay cool -- they are making sure no environmentalist group starts to holler about air conditioning & what it's doing to the environment. It's a conspiracy!

Think about it -- it's cooling season somewhere on the Earth all the time.

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