Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday is primary (or caucus) day in a bunch of states. It may set the tone for the rest of the primary races.

Will the best (wo)man win? Don't you believe it! If the best person for the job actually got it, we wouldn't be in the mess we are -- billions in debt; engaged in a war we can't win, honorably or otherwise; healthcare priced out of reach of the average American; millions of working poor, unable to make a living wage.

Who will save us?

That question sends shivers down my all-American spine. Here's my answer: WE must "save" us. We can't look to anyone else to fix things for us. The "fix," if there is to be one, has to come from the people, from us, from the grassroots.

We have to stop looking for a politician to fix our lives, our economy, our morals. WE need to do what's right. WE need to hire people for adequate salaries. WE need to turn our backs on the out-of-the-loop idiots in Washington, and begin running our lives the way we know they should be run. Do the right thing, help a neighbor, give a fair days' work for a fair wage, buy locally, grow our own veggies in the backyard. If someone says "Government will help you," we should shake our heads & walk away. (Try not to spit at their feet, it's not polite.)

Let the idiots in Washington entertain themselves with their own importance.

C'mon Boomers, how many times in our lives have we heard that this or that program was going to fix everything -- no more hungry, homeless people; no more schools without current books; no child left behind. Has it worked YET?


Time to take our lives back, and quit expecting some politician to "Save Us."

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