Sunday, October 12, 2008


I've been told all my life that everything we do has ripples that affect others. These ripples may be bad, or good. We may see no effect for years. But, what we do affects the world around us, somehow, someway, for good or ill.

Now, we have an economic situation where a few people's ill-considered actions are affecting 4.5 billion people. Heck, their actions may well be affecting the whole world. I'm no economist, nor business whiz. But it seems to me that these fools here in America affected the whole world's banking/credit/money market. Or were there fools overseas who hopped that train right with them?

So, are they proud of themselves? If your actions affected the whole world -- wouldn't you want it to be over something to which you could point with pride? Job satisfaction, so to speak?

Are they proud of how they've affected the world? Hey, guys! Would you take this to your mother & say "Look what I did!"?

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