Thursday, July 10, 2008


Have you read "The Secret"? "The Law of Attraction"? If that's not magic, what is? Even Jesus said, "All that I do, and more, you shall do."

So, who told us there was no magic? Who persecuted & prosecuted the witches, warlocks & sorcerers? Ummmm.... The Church. Why? Maybe, they wanted to keep The Secret for themselves. Perhaps they thought the great masses of people were too stupid to be entrusted with exactly what Jesus came to tell us we were inheritors of.

In fact -- He told us exactly how to work "magic." "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all else shall be added unto you." "If you have faith the size of this mustard seed, you could ..." lift the mountain right into the sea. We could heal the blind, the lame, the heartsick. "Ask, and you shall receive. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

I'll bet, if we worked on it, we could teleport -- just 'step' from one location to another. That'd sure solve the transportation & energy problems.

I totally believe this. Yet, I'm afraid. What if it really IS true? What if I'm as great as I think I could be? I'm afraid of becoming arrogant, thinking I'm superior. These words -- this knowledge was given to ALL of us. We all can be great. Why am I afraid to be first? Why am I afraid to be all I can be?

Am I afraid to find out it's NOT true?

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