Saturday, April 7, 2012


Your touch is freedom
Your directions are shackles
Yield                 Tyr, to Sal in HeartsBlood by  Carolyn McCray

Imagine God (Source/HP/Creator/G_d/Godde/Goddess, etc) whispering that in your ear.

*** Interestingly enough, tyr means god in old Norse languages. ***

I hear this as: Your life nourishes Creation, but you giving Me directions limits Me.  Then the Invitation: Yield.

Yield to God, the Source of All-That-Is; Yield to Me and let Me guide you to the Joy that was yours from the beginning.

How powerful a message!

We say:
I want more money God! But don't let anybody I love die for me to get it; and I don't want to work harder than I already do, nor longer hours. And I don't think I want to own my own business, I don't want the responsibility.  But I need more money.

I want to lose weight God!  But I don't want to eat less; or give up my favorite foods. Forget exercise -- well, maybe if it's not too hard, and doesn't take too much time.

I want love God!  Bring me someone who will love me. And s/he should not be overweight, has to have beautiful hair, be attractive, polite, considerate, kind to my parents/family, and have good teeth!  And good hygiene. And not be a drunk or druggie. Intelligent.  And -- s/he won't break my heart, won't hurt me ever!

What if we just, in Joy & Faith -- Yielded to God.

How often have you discovered that you were tense and rigid, holding yourself together as if something would go wrong if you didn't keep eternal vigilance over yourself, your loved ones, or the world?

What am I guarding against?

I am guarding against "something going wrong."  Name it -- something could go wrong if I don't watch and guard and hold things together. 

What if I just let God guide me? What if I trust the He is guiding others?

Jesus said "Seek first the Kingdom of the Lord, and all else will be given unto you."  When did you last ask God what He wanted you to do with your life?  When did you last allow yourself to be guided?  Don't make the decisions yourself; pause, ask for an answer, an intuitive thought?


12-Step Programs suggest turning your will & your life over to the care of God, as you understand God. They call it Surrender.  


Your directions are shackles.  The more you say how things "should be" the more you imprison.


New Age thought encourages going with the flow, turning your attention to the flow of energy that encompasses all living things.

Your touch (attention) is freedom.

Yield to your freedom.