Sunday, October 9, 2011

99% AND 53%

I am the 99%
I am a 58 year old divorced white woman. I have a degree in Biology. I worked in my field for almost 10 years. Then I "mommy-tracked" for 5 years, raising the 4 children we adopted from foster care. When I went back to the workforce, I was divorced & responsible for 2 of my children. I took whatever job I could get. I've never taken government aid except for 9months of  Unemployment Insurance (which I figure I earned after working since I was 17), in 2009. I moved into a roommate situation while I was unemployed to reduce my expenses.  I work in a call center, which pays my living expenses. I work OT to have anything more. I just recently got back into my own apartment. After working all my life, I have $1200 in retirement savings. I can't see any way I can retire. Social security won't pay me enough to pay rent, Medicare, etc -- altho I've paid into it with every paycheck I've ever gotten. I don't have enough time to re-build a 401(k).  I got my education, paid my student loans back, worked all my life, volunteered at my church(es) & community.  I will work til the day I die.  I am the 99%

I am the 53%
I am a 58 year old divorced white woman. I put myself thru school working part-time & with loans, which I have paid back. We bought 2 houses. When banks told us we could afford more of a loan than we were applying for, I looked at our budget, and said "No we can't." I am responsible for my budget, not the banks. We adopted 4 special needs children from foster care. We raised our children, participated in their schools and their activities, in our church.  After the divorce, it's been a scramble to keep the head above water. Except for 9 months on Unemployment, I've worked every day, paid my bills and taken care of my family as best I could -- with no help from the government. There are days I don't feel like getting out of bed. I do anyway. I work in a call center, nothing close to my degree. I show up every day and work OT when I can. I save what I can. I buy clothes & furniture at St. Vinnie's, shop the dollar stores. I take my lunch & coffee in a thermos every day. I make my own way in this world.  I am the 53%

Both of these pictures are true. I resent people who, tho able-bodied, live off the government -- off MY taxes. I don't think any true American begrudges help to those who need it. I believe most are like me, willing to give when & where it's truly needed, resentful of those who play the system, who don't even try.

So, as OccupyWallStreet plays out -- I agree that corporate greed that places profit before either people or right behavior is wrong, and needs to be reined in.  I want to see an end to the worldwide banking community dictating America's policies.

But I also wonder whose money is paying for the Occupiers to sit out of life in New York -- and the other places the protests are occurring?  Are Mommy & Daddy paying your way, so you can protest against the companies that pay them?  The devices you use as you sit in the park and march down the streets are better than I can afford. Are your parents paying your way -- or is the government -- which means ME?

Are you registered to vote? DO you vote?  I do -- every single election since I turned 18.

I believe we absolutely have the right to protest whatever we see as wrong in our government.

I also believe we have the ability, & the right, in this country, to work for what we want.  Do you see the mega-corps as evil empires?  Don't buy their products. Don't work for them. Don't owe money on their credit card. Save up & pay cash.  Save in a credit union, or small, locally-owned bank.

I believe in Dave Ramsey's Great Recovery.  Get out of debt & save money.  We need to go back to handling our money the old-fashioned way.  This will help each individual, and, on the way, help the country.

I don't know the ultimate answer. I only know what I believe is the right way to live my own life.  I'm getting myself out of debt. I'm saving money.  I won't patronize BoA, Chase (and I owe them money), or any of the other megas.

However, I will invest in companies that are working for MY dreams.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Battle of the Sexes is Real!

Jordan woman killed in hospital over pregnancyLink
They're killing us.

Why did we ever hook up with them in the 1st place? Why did we believe them when they said they'd "protect" us, take care of us? Who do they protect us from? Other men! Catch-22. Unless you have a man protecting you, you are at the mercy of any other --- MEN!

I'm not a man-hater. I'm not lesbian. I believe that the perfect reflection of God is the melding of man & woman. I believe "the 2 shall be as 1" is really true. The co-creative relationship of male & female is a synergy wherein the 2 individuals become a new creation that is more than the sum of it's parts. And best reflects the Almighty.

I like strong men. Men who want a partnership with the woman they love, and understand that one of their roles in that partnership is to protect & care for the woman when she is childbearing & -rearing. Not to make the woman les, but to preserve what they love.

That re-creation of God is not possible when one half of the reflection feels they can beat, abuse & kill the other half. It is not possible if men own women. It's not possible if women are seen as not-people.

Millennia of oppression in culture after culture leave me with one reaction to another report of this strange mindset in men. It's not outrage. It's not resignation. It's not activism. My response: Kill Him.

Do you think if we kill every man who abuses a woman, kills a woman (or child for that matter) -- maybe we'll remove the genes for that kind of deviant behavior from the human race? Can we get to them before they breed?