Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

So, retailers did "OK" on Black Friday. Consumers spent.

I have to admit, I still have a problem with blaming economic ups & downs on consumers. The glitch in the economy comes from an entirely different direction. Consumers are the last stop on the block. If an ordinary, average-income, average-type-job American doesn't feel as if his/her finances are secure, they will cut back on spending, perhaps right back to food, clothing, shelter. Now, what makes Joe/Jane Average feel financially secure? A job. A job that pays enough to cover their needs, plus a bit extra for the future. A job that's gonna be there. A job that holds the promise of advancement for good work.

So, you want Mr/Ms Average to spend? Provide them with jobs.

I read a sci-fi story, once-upon-a-time, where the majority of people were on the dole. Their job was to buy, Buy, BUY. The poor were charged with buying up the produce of the automated factories, to keep the economy going.

Sound familiar?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Election '08 -- a Hai-Ku

Those you despised
Have manifested their Power.
Why are you afraid?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Upside-down Economics